"We are not merely products of nations or lands. Our inception springs from the profound cosmic waters, birthed in the nurturing microverse of the womb. This sacred space, reflecting the vast neural constellations of our minds, serves as a reminder of our celestial lineage. As we look to the heavens, mirrored in the patterns of stars that echo our brain's networks, we remember our deepest roots. Before any worldly allegiance, we recognize that we are, first and foremost, children of a grand cosmic heritage and the intimate universes within us."
Article 1.)
a) The person's heart before you is a mirror; in it, see your reflection. Your duty is this, do not do unto them that which may cause harm if done to you.
b) Disregarding the harmony of the U-N-I-VERSE will inevitably lead to experiencing disharmony in your Universe.
Article 2.}
a) Embrace, treasure, and understand your true self, for you embody the realm of the divine.
Every individual is endowed with inherent dignity and worth. This constitution affirms the sacredness of self-awareness as a fundamental right and responsibility. All persons shall endeavor to fully understand, honor, and cherish their true essence, recognizing that within them lies a reflection of the divine. In this pursuit, individuals are to be guided by principles of self-respect, introspection, and the continuous development of their unique potential, as each person embodies a sacred connection to the greater cosmic order.